All the Lessons We Learn

All the Lessons We Learn

In the back room of my grandparents old farmhouse was this small library. As a little girl, I used to get lost in the pages of its old books. I loved their smell and the feel of their worn pages between my fingertips. The words written in those books brought to life beautiful and mysterious worlds where I could travel to escape my own. I wasn’t always trying to escape my reality, but when I was, it was usually between the pages of a good book. Because, I have always loved being immersed in a good story.


You’re writing a story right now. The story of your life. Our stories are beautiful and exciting but they’re also confusing, terrifying, and painful. We like to talk about the exciting parts of our stories, the sexy parts, the happy moments, and our triumphs. But we hide the messy chapters. We don’t like to talk about the chapters where we experience pain, heartache, trials, trauma, fear, and sadness. But it is in these chapters of our lives that we have the greatest potential to learn and grow. I’ve begun to look at all of life as a series of lessons that we can we grow from. When we’re brave enough to fully experience the difficult chapters of our lives, and look for those lessons, we gain wisdom. I would always rather grow stronger than allow the difficult moments of my life to destroy me.


In the pages of this blog, I hope to capture the worn and tattered chapters of my own story. I will share the wisdom in my everyday moments so that hopefully we can together uncover all the lessons we learn in this beautiful, yet complicated, life.
