The Desert

I sat alone in the desert today. 
To listen intently to what it had to say. 
Instead, I heard silence, no message at all. 
I couldn’t believe it had such gall 
To lead me to believe something was here for me—
then deserted, forsaken, and lonely. 
What a waste of time! 
What a complete disaster! 
There was nothing here I sought after! 
There was only me, alone in the heat. 
With no water to drink and no shelter for retreat. 

But wait! In the distance–what is that I see? 
It appears to be a Joshua tree. 
A symbol of strength, direction, and trust. 
It reminds us that beauty can arise from dust. 
I heard him whisper, “Come sit with me.” 
And I listened to the wisdom of that Joshua tree. 

“I know it’s been hard surviving out here.
Lost, alone, and fighting your fears. 
But here you stand despite it all;
An overcomer who refuses to fall. 
But NOW is your time to come alive,
To exit the desert and not just survive. 
For you were never meant to waste away here. 
Rise, thrive, and live without fear.”

Picture of Heather Michelle

Heather Michelle

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